• & foto 1 skid autònom_en
  • & foto 2 skid autònom_en
  • & foto 3 skid autònom_en

Autonomous skid for high flow extraction and fuel supply

Customer's request:
The customer has large farms, equipped with electrical generator systems to power pumps and other elements required for the farm.
The generators have diesel tanks.
Generators are only used during a specific time of year.
The customer wants equipment that can be loaded onto a truck to supply the fuel to the different tanks. With the same equipment, empty the tanks at the end of the harvesting season.

Provided solution:
Mobile skid is built, with double-walled tank, spout, suction pump, filtration kit. All powered by a generator built into the skid itself.
Subsequently, a level probe is installed for telematic control of the levels.